Thursday, March 1

Off to London town!!! wish me luck!!!

 Today I'm venturing into London Town to have an interview about a Fashion Internship with an awesome PR agency based in Covent Garden, first dilemma was what to wear!!

The aim was something smart but not to dressy, I defo didn't want to look like I was going to an interview for a bank clerk position, how ever tempted I was to whip out my Davina Dress!!

So this is what I've gone for: A lace cream body suit by Etam- £1 
Tan Leather belt- 50p
Light grey polka dot skirt- £1 (all from Salli Army)
Brown 1940s Suit Jacket ( bought for £4 as part of a suit) with a fur shawl over the top- £15 H&M
Tan Leather Bag LK Bennett it's the Monica bought for a ridiculously low price, workers perks!! 

Also at the moment I has pink tips to my hair although I'm going to have to et rid of it for work tomorrow or maybe try and disguise it some complicated twisted!! lol! :)

And I surely can't forget the finishing touch the LK Bennett Shoes their called Olive and aren't they beautiful!!! :)

So please keep your fingers crossed for me! much love!! x x x

1 comment:

  1. i love your skirt!
